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Yes Asia has a larger area then Africa.

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10mo ago

No, Africa is larger than Asia in terms of land area. Africa is the second largest continent in the world, covering about 30.2 million square kilometers, while Asia is the largest continent with an area of about 44.6 million square kilometers.

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Q: Is Asia larger than Africa in order of land area?
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Which is larger in land area Asia or Africa?


Is Africa larger or smaller in land area than Asia?

Asia is larger than Africa by nearly half again. Asia is 44,579,000 km2 and Africa is 30,065,000 km2.

Is Asia larger or Africa?

Africa is larger than Asia, with an area of about 30 million square kilometers compared to Asia's 44.58 million square kilometers.

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Is Asia bigger than Africa?

No, Africa is larger in terms of land area than Asia. Africa is the second largest continent in the world, while Asia is the largest continent.

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The continents arranged in order of size: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, then Australia.

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No, Asia claims more deserts and larger desert area.

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Africa and Asia are both continents. Some differences are:Most of Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere and most of Asia is in the northern hemisphere.Africa is home to 53 countries; Asia has 44 countries.Asia (3,879,000,000 people) is larger by population than Africa (877,500,000 people) by about three billion people.Asia (44,579,000 sq km) is larger by area than Africa (30,065,000 sq km).

What continent is larger than Africa?

Asia is the largest continent in the world, with a land area of about 44.58 million square kilometers, making it larger than Africa. This is primarily due to the vast landmass and diverse geography that Asia encompasses.

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Asia is the largest, followed by Africa and then by South America.