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10mo ago

The United States is bigger in land area compared to China. China is bigger in population.

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Q: Is the US or China bigger in size?
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How many square miles bigger is China than the US?

Actually, China and the US are about the same size.

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No China is a countries and Africa is a Continent :)

Is Sweden bigger in size than china?

No. China is much bigger than Sweden.

Is china bigger than US in size?

China has a land area of 3,705,407 square miles, and a population of approx 1,376,049,000 people.The US has a land area of 3,805,927 square miles, and a population of approx 322,369,000 people.Therefore in land area China is slightly smaller, in population China is much bigger.

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Yes, Texas is the second largest US state by area. South Carolina ranks 40th in size.

What state is the size of China?

China is bigger than any state in the USA you Dumb!!!!!!!!!!

Is China bigger then USA?

This has been a source of debate for quite some time. Many sources cite that the People's Republic of China is larger in size than the United States. Others say that the United States is larger (however, these sources include certain water areas, such as the Great Lakes, for the United States, but does not include water areas for the People's Republic of China. They also tend to be United States-based operations). China's area includes disputed territories and therefore shouldn't be considered part of China's area since it is disputed. If including water area, China is larger than the US, but if including all territory that is undisputed, the US becomes larger than China. Overall, China is just slightly larger in size compared to the United States.

Is China is about the same size in area as the US?

no china is not

Is China's land area bigger than the US?


Average size of CHINA male penis?

Bigger than yours.

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no US is bigger

Is china and the us the same size?
