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That would be a bay.

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Q: What is an area of sea enclosed by a wide inward curving stretch of coastline?
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What is difference between peninsula and a bay?

A peninsula is a landform surrounded by water on three sides, while a bay is a body of water partially enclosed by land. Peninsulas jut out into bodies of water, while bays are indentations in the shoreline where the land curves inward.

What is a concave in geography?

In geography, a concave refers to a landform or geological feature that curves inward like a bowl or a crescent, often found in valleys, depressions, or certain parts of coastlines. Concaves can be shaped by various erosional processes, such as water flow, glacial activity, or wind erosion. They are important in shaping the overall topography and landscape of a region.

What is the name of a type of street with houses in a circle facing inward?

The type of dead-end is called a "cul-de-sac" (French for bottom of the sack). The term is also used for closed anatomical passages found in humans and other organisms.

What makes a V-shaped valley of mountains and a you-shaped valley?

A V-shaped valley is typically formed by the erosion of water flowing down a valley, causing the sides to slope inward at a V angle. A U-shaped valley, on the other hand, is formed by glacier movement, which carves out a wider, U-shaped valley as it moves downhill, resulting in a broader and more rounded topography.

What is the difference of the Piedmont and the Coastal Plain?

The Piedmont region is characterized by hilly terrain and rocky soil, located between the Appalachian Mountains and the Coastal Plain. The Coastal Plain, on the other hand, is a relatively flat region that extends from the Atlantic Ocean inward. The Piedmont tends to have more diverse flora and fauna due to its varied topography, while the Coastal Plain is known for its fertile farmland and coastal ecosystems.

Related questions

Is the great Australian bight a large area of the ocean that is partially surrounded by land?

Yes. The term bight can also refer to the gently inward curving coastline that contains the water.

What kind of horse has inward curving ears?

Horses with inward curving ears are known as Gypsy Vanner horses. This trait is a distinct feature of the breed, along with their thick feathering on the legs and broad, muscular build. Gypsy Vanners are known for their friendly and gentle temperament, as well as their striking appearance.

What is a wide bend in a coastline called?

A wide bend in a coastline is called a bay. It is an indentation or curved area of land where the coastline curves inward, often forming a sheltered body of water. Bays can range in size from small coves to large, open bays.

What is a lens that bends light inward?

A converging lens, also known as a convex lens, bends light inward towards a focal point. This type of lens is thicker in the middle than at the edges and is commonly used in magnifying glasses and camera lenses.

What does a concave side indicate?

A concave side indicates that the object is curving inward or has a depressed area. This is opposite to a convex side, which curves outward. Concave shapes can provide strength and stability in structures like lenses and mirrors.

What is convexo-concave lens?

A convexo-concave lens is a lens that has one side convex (outward bulging) and the other side concave (inward curving). This type of lens can be used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) by diverging light rays entering the eye.

What is a way to remember what a bay is?

If you mean a bay as in a large body of water that curves inward, just think of the letter "b" and imagine that the curved part is the water curving inward towards the land. You could also remember Blue Water which would remind you that the word starting with B has something to do with Water. If you mean a bay as in a light brown horse, you could remember B is for Brown.

My two top teeth are pretty straight but there kinda curving in and my bottom teeth are doing the same do u thing that they will give me like a retainer or like braces for that?

The dentist may give a person a retainer if their teeth are curved inward. They would probably not get braces if their teeth are not crooked.

What increases a curve mirror?

The reflecting surface of a concave mirror curving inward towards the focal point causes light rays to converge after reflection, creating an image. The curvature determines the mirror's ability to converge or diverge light, impacting the image's properties like size, nature, and location.

Where can you get cheap inward forks?

wat does inward mean?!

My top teeth are pretty straight but my 2 bottom teeth are slightly curving in Also my one molar is way crookedWill they give me braces or like a retainer for that?

A person who's teeth are curved inward, but are not crooked would most likely be given a retainer. Braces are only used for straightening teeth that are crooked.

When was Drawn Inward created?

Drawn Inward was created in 1999.