The total area is 944,735 square kilometres (364764 square miles).
British Columbia covers an area of approximately 364,764 square miles (or 944,735 square kilometers), making it the third-largest province in Canada.
British Columbia comprises an area of 944,735 km2
The British Isles cover an area of around 121,000 square miles.
British Columbia covers an area of about 944,735 square kilometers.
British Columbia has a total land area of approximately 944,735 square kilometers.
British Columbia is the fifth-largest province in Canada in terms of land area, with a total area of approximately 944,735 square kilometers.
It was 36,247.
Columbia Tartan
Fishery and Lumber
British Columbia's nickname is Pacific Province.
B.C.s physical regon is the interrior plans.
The area of British Columbia is 944,735 km2. The area of Switzerland is 41,284 km2. British Columbia is 22.88 times the size of Switzerland.
the butt sector
lumber,copper,coal,natural gas,oil,zinc,gold,silver,nickel,iron,&fish are British Columbias major natural resources!
Residents of British Columbia are known for being friendly, laid-back, and outdoorsy. The province's diverse population also contributes to a rich cultural tapestry, with a blend of indigenous, European, and Asian influences. Additionally, British Columbians tend to be environmentally conscious, given the province's stunning natural landscapes.