It seems like there might be a typo in your question. If you clarify or provide more context, I'd be happy to help.
Bangalore covers an area of approximately 741 square kilometers.
Asia - 44,700,000 sq km Africa - 30,300,000 sq km North America- 24,000,00 South America - 17,770,000 sq km Antarctica - 14,000,000 sq km Australia - 7,686,850 sq km Europe - 9,940,000 sq km
Venice covers an area of about 414.6 km².
Australia is the smallest continent in size among Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.
Maine is approximately 35,385 square miles in size, making it the 39th largest state in the United States.
The size of the earth is 2521 KM to 5150 KM.
Tasmania is 68,401 km²England is 130,279 km²
0.0003048C km
Wales is 20,760 km²
Around about 3,734908542 square km.
140,316 km
size of the country Italy is 301,225 sq. km (116,303 sq.mi)
Bangladesh is 133,910 KM and South Dakota is 199,730 KM in size.
C = 31.4 km
Ukraine's area is about 603,628 km²
While it is unclear which four choices you have, since there are only eight planets, they can all be listed in the order of size and you can determine which one is the largest of those:Jupiter (69,911 km / 43,441 miles) -- 1,120% the size of EarthSaturn (58,232 km / 36,184 miles) -- 945% the size of EarthUranus (25,362 km / 15,759 miles) -- 400% the size of EarthNeptune (24,622 km / 15,299 miles) -- 388% the size of EarthEarth (6,371 km / 3,959 miles)Venus (6,052 km / 3,761 miles) -- 95% the size of EarthMars (3,390 km / 2,460 miles) -- 53% the size of EarthMercury (2,440 km / 1,516 miles) -- 38% the size of Earth
41.277 km = 25.648 miles (rounded)