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The area of Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area is 1,516 square kilometers.

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The Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area covers approximately 1,500 square kilometers.

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Bam Yat and Holon are in which country?

Bam Yat and Holon are both cities in Israel. Bam Yat is located in the southern part of the country, while Holon is situated near Tel Aviv.

Which city is known as the big orange?

Miami in the state of Florida is known as the "Big Orange" due to its vibrant culture, sunny weather, and bustling urban environment. The city's nickname reflects its energy, diversity, and tropical vibe.

Why is it called ''a white city''?

The term "white city" is often used to describe a city or an area characterized by predominantly white or light-colored buildings. This could be due to a particular architectural style, such as the White City of Tel Aviv, which features a collection of Bauhaus-style buildings with white facades. It may also refer to cities with a majority white population. However, it is important to note that the term has the potential to reinforce racial or ethnic hierarchies and biases.

What 5 countries are in the Australian region?

The five countries in the Australian region are Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Solomon Islands.

Combien de pays y a-t-il en Europe?

Ca dépend de quoi on parle. L'Union Européenne a 27 membres, mais il y a 46-50 pays sur le continent européen (le nombre qu'il y a n'est pas précis parce que certains pays ne sont pas reconnu en tant que tel comme le Kosovo et L'Arménie. l'Azerbaïdjan et la Georgie peuvent etre en Europe ou en Asie).Les pays membres de l'Union Européenne sont: France, Allemagne, Belgique, Luxembourg, Pologne, Suède, Finlande, Danemark, Angleterre, Espagne, Portugal, Hongrie, Estonie, Lituanie, Lettonie, République-Tchèque, Italie, Grèce, Hollande (Pays-Bas), Irlande, Autriche, Slovaquie, Roumanie, Slovénie, Bulgarie, Chypre, Malte.

Related questions

Is Tel Aviv very religious?

No. Tel Aviv is considered Israel's "secular city". There are very few religious people in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area with the closest Orthodox area being Bnei Brak.

What is Israel's largest manufacturing center?

Much of Israeli manufacturing occurs in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, in cities like Or Yehuda.

What is the area of Tel Aviv?

The area of Tel Aviv is 52 square kilometers.

Where do half of Israel's people live?

Half of Israel's population lives in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area.

What is Israel's largest city called?

Jerusalem.Jerusalem is Israel's largest city in strict urban terms, having a population of upwards of 600,000. However, the Tel Aviv metropolitan area consists of several very populous cities and this whole area has a population of roughly 2.3 million people, if the suburbs and these other cities are counted in addition to Tel Aviv proper. (The Jerusalem metropolitan area is light by contrast.)

What is israels largest citie?

Much of Israeli manufacturing occurs in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, in cities like Or Yehuda.

What is the main city of Tel Aviv?

Tel Aviv is a city. It's most central area is downtown Tel Aviv.

What is the capital of the nation whose neighbors include Syria Jordan Lebanon and Egypt?

The nation is Israel, and its constitutional capital is Jerusalem, although many financial and international functions are centered in Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean Sea (part of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa metropolitan area).

Where is the Tel Aviv Gruff?

It is below Jerusalem in the Holy Land Area.

What is the capital and largest city in Asia Israel?

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, but it certainly not the largest city in Asia; it is not even the largest city in Israel (which is Tel Aviv). The largest city in Asia is the Tokyo-Yokohama metropolitan area; the two cities bleed into one another.

What is the distance between Cairo and Tel Aviv?

The distance between cairo and tel aviv is 460 miles.

Tel Aviv Area?

The city limits cover 52 sq km (20 square miles). Tel Aviv abuts neighboring cities, and the total urban area of the contiguous population-centers is 176 sq km (68 square miles).