The French satellite state during World War II was called Vichy France. It was established in 1940 after the German occupation of France and was led by Marshal Philippe Pétain.
"Area" in Afrikaans is "area."
The opposite of a sunken area would be a raised area or an elevated area.
The correct statement is "There were no complaints from the area."
"Area's" is the possessive form of "area." For example, "The area's population has been growing steadily."
There is a map here of occupied France. The yellow part of the map is the Vichy area.
The Vichy regime was basically just a puppet government of Germany that often collaberated with them ecspecially when concerning French Jews but I suppose if you were a French person it would have been more bearable to live in Vichy instead of the occupied area of France.At the end of the day for the Jews it made little difference to live in Vichy.
Vichy's population is 25,221.
The southern half of France, calles Zone Libre (Free Area) was placed under the Vichy administration which was a collaborationist administration indeed.
RC Vichy was created in 1945.
Vichy cosmetics was created in 1931.
The word 'vichy' is a masculine gender noun in the singular. One of its meanings is the fabric gingham. Another is the drink vichy water. Still another is the dessert vichy mint. Yet another is the geographical region, Vichy, from which the soup vichyssoise is known and enjoyed.
The duration of The Eye of Vichy is 1.83 hours.
Vichy France's motto is 'Travail, Famille, Patrie'.
The Eye of Vichy was created on 1993-03-10.
The nation of Europe which had Vichy as a capital is France.