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50th - The smallest.

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Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States by land area.

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Q: What is the rank of Rhode Island in size among the states?
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How does Rhode Island rank in population among the fifty states?

It is #43 in population.

What is Rhode Island's size and US rank?

Rhode Island is the smallest of the 50 United States.Rhode Island is ranked 50th among the US States in area.Read more: How_does_rhode_island_rank_in_size_among_the_states

What is the statehood rank of Rhode Island?

The statehood rank of Rhode Island is 13th.

How much does Rhode Island rank?

It is #50 in area.

What is the rank in size among state?

The largest US state is Alaska with 663,267.26 square miles. The smallest is Rhode Island with 1,545.05 square miles.

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New Hampshire is the 46th largest US State.

How does the area of Connecticut rank to all the other US states?

It is number 48 in size and only has bragging rights on Delaware and Rhode Island.

What is Rhode Island's state rank?

It is the 13th State to join the Union.

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New York is the fourth most densely populated state in the United States, with a population density of about 421 people per square kilometer. It follows New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts in terms of population density.

What rank is Puerto Rico in size?

It is larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined.

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