The distance between Lubbock, TX and Galveston, TX is approximately 450 miles.
The driving distance from Lubbock, TX to Santa Fe, NM is approximately 330 miles or 531 kilometers.
The distance from Longview, TX to Lubbock, TX is approximately 430 miles by road. This journey typically takes around 6-7 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
No, Amarillo is bigger than Lubbock in terms of population size. Amarillo's population is around 200,000, while Lubbock's population is around 250,000.
The land area of Houston, Texas is approximately 669 square miles.
There are 457 miles between Lubbock, TX and Sugar Land, TX.
The distance between Lubbock, TX and Galveston, TX is approximately 450 miles.
There are about 170 miles between Abilene, TX and Lubbock, TX.
It is 463 Miles from Houston to Lubbock.
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to Lubbock, TX is 346 miles.
500 miles
430 miles
6 miles
about 400 miles
326 miles
About 100 miles.
It is 171 miles according to Google Maps.