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ContinentArea in Square Miles

(Square Km)Percent of Total Land Area on EarthThe World57,308,738 Sq. Miles (148,429,000 Sq. Km)100%Asia (plus the Middle East)17,212,000 Sq. Miles (44,579,000 Sq. Km)30.0%Africa11,608,000 Sq. Miles (30,065,000 Sq. Km)20.3%North America9,365,000 Sq. Miles (24,256,000 Sq. Km)16.3%South America6,880,000 Sq. Miles (17,819,000 Sq. Km)12.0%Antarctica5,100,000 Sq. Miles (13,209,000 Sq. Km)8.9%Europe3,837,000 Sq. Miles (9,938,000 Sq. Km)6.7%Australia (plus Oceania)2,968,000 Sq. Miles (7,687,000 Sq. Km)5.2%

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10mo ago

The total land area of the Earth is approximately 57.5 million square miles.

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Q: What is the total land area of the earth in sq miles?
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How many square miles of land on Earth?

The total land area of Earth is approximately 57.5 million square miles.

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The total land area of Earth is approximately 148.94 million square kilometers.

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The total land area of the earth is 148,300,000 sq km. 30% of the world is land and 70% is water.

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There are 57,506,000 square miles of land surfaces in the world, including much that is uninhabitable by humans (Antarctica, arctic climes, swamps, mountains, and deserts). The metric equivalent is 148,940,000 km2 and this represents 29.2% of the Earth's total surface area.

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The total land area of the Philippines is approximately 115,800 square miles.

How much land space is on the Earth?

The Earth has a total land area of approximately 57.5 million square miles or 148.9 million square kilometers. This land area includes continents, islands, and other landmasses.

What is the largest and smallest state in the pacific states?

The Pacific states are Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. with total land area of 570,640 square miles. Hawaii is the smallest of the Pacific states with a total land area of 6,422 square miles and a total area (land and water) of 10,931 square miles. California has total area of 163,394 square miles and total land area of 155,779 square miles. Oregon has total area of 98,378 square miles and total land area of 95,988 square miles. Washington has total area of 71,297 square miles and total land area of 66,455 square miles.

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The area of Africa is about 30.2 million km² (11.7 million sq miles) This means it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area.

What is the total land area of the state of Indiana?

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What is the total land area on Earth?

The total land area on Earth is approximately 148.94 million square kilometers.