The phrase "40 acres and a mule" refers to the promise made by the U.S. government to provide recently freed slaves with land and a mule after the Civil War. This promise was largely unfulfilled as the policy was eventually reversed.
There are 25,600 acres in 40 square miles. This is because 1 square mile is equivalent to 640 acres. So, 40 square miles x 640 acres = 25,600 acres.
The southeast quarter of a section is 160 acres, and the southeast quarter of that is 40 acres. So, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of a section is 40 acres.
There are 10.89 acres in a 40-foot wide by half-mile long section.
One section is equal to one square mile. In one square mile, there are 640 acres, therefore in one quarter of a section of land, there are 160 acres.
Luzon Island in the Philippines has an area of about 40 million acres.
1 acres is 10,000 square meters. 40 acres of the 400,000 square meters. 1 hectare is equal to 2.471054 acres. 98.84216 acres is equal to 40 acres. 0.154440868 square miles is equal to 40 acres.
40 acres = 1,742,400ft²
1,024,000 acres.
There are 25,600 acres in 40 square miles. This is because 1 square mile is equivalent to 640 acres. So, 40 square miles x 640 acres = 25,600 acres.
40% increase.
40 acres is 400 square chains.
The southeast quarter of a section is 160 acres, and the southeast quarter of that is 40 acres. So, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of a section is 40 acres.
There are eight 5-acre parcels in 40 acres.
40 acres.
Think of it this way. If you walk around 40 acres you would walk about a mile.
1 square mile = 640 acres ⇒ 40 acres = 40 ÷ 640 sq miles = 1/16 sq mile = 0.0625 sq mile
About 0.17 acres.