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The more stable an area, the more diverse and abundant species tend to be present in that area. Stability can provide a steady environment for different organisms to thrive, leading to a greater variety of species that can coexist harmoniously.

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Q: When The more stable an area the more what are in the area?
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What is the most stable part of a continent?

The oldest and most stable part of a continent is usually the craton, which is a large area of exposed ancient rocks that have not undergone significant tectonic activity for millions of years. Cratons are found in the interior regions of continents and provide a stable foundation for the continent's geology.

What term is defined as a stabe mix of populations expected in a given area following the process of succession?

Climax community is the term defined as a stable mix of populations expected in a given area following the process of succession.

Why are agriculture fields less stable than natural communities in the same area?

Agriculture fields are less stable than natural communities because they are often monocultures, lacking the diversity of species present in natural ecosystems. This monoculture makes agriculture fields more susceptible to disease, pests, and environmental stress. Additionally, the intensive management practices in agriculture, such as plowing and pesticide use, can disrupt soil health and lead to long-term degradation of the ecosystem.

Does Athens or Sparta have more geographic area on the map?

Sparta has more geographic area than Athens on the map.

How does a mountain belt evolve into part of a continental shield?

A mountain belt can evolve into part of a continental shield through a process called erosion and tectonic stabilization. Over time, the mountains are eroded by geological processes, causing them to decrease in elevation and flatten out. As the tectonic activity in the area calms down, the rocks that formed the mountains become more stable and start to form a stable, relatively flat landmass known as a continental shield.

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areas inaccessible to hunters.

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because it covers more surface area

When atoms combine to form compound do they become more stable or less stable?

More stable

Why are the tropics the most diverse area?

They have stable levels of moisture.

What is a more stable atom between lithium and gold?

Gold is more stable.

Why does the area of the base affects stability?

An object is stable if the centre of mass of the object is above the base area. A small perturbation of the object is more likely to push the centre of mass outside the base area if it is small.

Why are bricks shaped like rectangles versus cubes?

Rectangles provide a larger surface area which support more weight and provides a much more stable structure.

Is hydride ion more stable or less stable than H-atom?

The hydride ion (H-) is more stable than the hydrogen atom (H•) because the extra electron in the hydride ion helps to stabilize the negative charge through electron-electron repulsion. Additionally, the hydride ion benefits from a full electron octet, making it more stable compared to the hydrogen atom, which has an unpaired electron.

How stable is the UK?

A t least as stable as, say, the USA or Canada, if not more stable. More stable than Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Congo. But not as stable as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar.

Do atoms that are stable need more electrons?

no. if the atom is stable it does not need to form any more compounds

Which is more stable three legs or four?

Three legs are more stable than 4 legs.