An area and topography includes all of the following except climate. Climate is a separate factor that influences the weather conditions of an area but is not considered a part of its topography, which refers to the physical features and layout of the land.
The topography of the region includes rolling hills, valleys, and rugged mountains.
In networking the building they had to decide on what was the best topography. As they went into the wild, they were assured by the fact that they had a good knowledge of the topography of the area.
The topography of the area revealed steep mountains, rolling hills, and deep valleys.
The adjective for topography is "topographic", which refers to the physical features and layout of a specific area of land.
The area of topography include mountains, valleys, plains, and bodies of water.
The topography of the region includes rolling hills, valleys, and rugged mountains.
An area's topography is determined by the area's elevation, relief, and landforms :)
In networking the building they had to decide on what was the best topography. As they went into the wild, they were assured by the fact that they had a good knowledge of the topography of the area.
The Middle East is the region where Christianity was born. The topography of the area includes deserts, mountains and dry plateaus.
The topography of the area revealed steep mountains, rolling hills, and deep valleys.
Geologists call an area where there is one type of topography a landform region.
geologists call an area where is one type of topography is a landform
geologists call an area where is one type of topography is a landform