These sign are in pairs 'Start of Measured Mile' and 'End of Measured Mile'. The distance has been accurately measured and this enables drivers or other road users to check that their instruments are correctly gauged.
The signs are usually found on fairly level roads, often alongside flat stretches of a river.
The continent that says "Merry Kisimuis" is Africa. "Kisimuis" is the phonetic pronunciation of "Christmas" in some African countries with diverse languages and dialects.
Answer this question… Underdeveloped
My atlas says 197, but there were 204 at the recent Olympics.
In Scotland, it is more common to say "mum" compared to "mom."
I live there . there's a sign that says 1906 I thin I'm not sure but I'm almost positive.
The trap speed is the measured "instantaneous" speed of the vehicle at some timing location, for instance at the end of a 1/4 mile run.
There is usually a sign that says 'no non-motorized vehicles beyond this point'.
Volume of liquids is typically measured in milliliters.
it is only to scale. if it says on the map that one inch is one mile, then it is a mile in real life.
liquid says so
Microsoft Mappoint says roughly 21 hours if you average 70-73 MPH on Highways.
approximately 1 mile
Cats have great hearing but I think a mile is a bit far for a cat to hear. I haven't found anything that says that a cat can hear it a mile away.
the sign that says speed limit and that has a number with mph [miles per hour] on it ex:speed limit 50 mph.
it's simple. it says it in the question, it's marathon.
if you are referring to the gas you buy at gas stations, it is measured in litres. if the sign out front says 95.7, that means it is 95.7 cents per litre.
it's broken