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surface area of a spere=4*pie*r2 when r (radius)=5 pie=22/7 surface area=4*22/7*5*5 =2200/7 =314.2 dm2

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Q: 'What is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 5 dm?
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Such a circle is impossible. The radius of a circle is half its diameter.

What is the largest area of the circle that can be computed from a square that measures 6 decimeters on each side?

Not sure what is meant by "computed" in this context. The square has an area of 36 square decimetres . A circle with radius 6/sqrt(pi) = 3.3851 dm will have the same area.

What is the area of circle if the diameter is 6 dm?

The area would be 9*pi, which is approximately 28.26 square dm.

Which is bigger a square of side 3 dm or a circle of radius 6 cm?

The square.

What is the circumference of 15dm?

The answer will depend on what 15 dm represents: the radius, diameter or even circumference!

Moment of inertia of a sphere How do you prove it using calculus As in deriving the equation using density and mass density being uniform?

To derive the moment of inertia of a solid sphere using calculus, you would start by considering a small element of the sphere with volume dV at a distance r from the axis of rotation. Express the mass of this element as dm, then integrate to find the moment of inertia I by summing up the contributions from all such elements. Finally, use the definition of density to express dm in terms of volume element dV, and simplify the integral to obtain the formula for moment of inertia of a solid sphere, which is (2/5)MR^2.

How many dm cm?

If the radius of a circle is 2.5 cm, then its diameter is 5 cm long.

2.5 cm how many dm?

If the radius of a circle is 2.5 cm, then its diameter is 5 cm long.

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 9 dm?

The area is 63.617 dm2

What is the surface area of a cube with 5.6 dm as the length of each side?

5.6dm X 5.6dm X 5.6dm is the dimensions of the cube. in meters this is .56m x .56m x .56m. surface are of a cube is the area of one side x 6 or 6s^2 so the surface area would be 188.16 dm^2 or1.8816 m^2 decimeters 5.6^2 x 6 = 188.16 or 5.6 x 5.6 x 6 = 188.16 meters .56^2 x 6 = 1.8816 or .56 x .56 x 6 = 1.8816

What is the formula for figuring out liters in a cylinder?

πR² * height (If Radius and Height are in decimeter you get the "litres",or else you just have to convert it to dm³ which is a litre)

How many liters does the Earth have?

To calculate this:Look up the Earth's radius. If you find the diameter, divide it by 2. If you find it in kilometers, multiply 10000 to convert to dm. If you find it in meters, multiply by 10 to convert to dm.Use the formula for the volume of a sphere - Earth is approximately sperical - (4/3) x pi x radius3.The result will be in cubic decimeters, which is the same as liters.