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Q: 105 sweat glands are found in one square centimeters of your what?
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Where does the sweat originate?

Sweat glands are found in the skin.

What are the sweat glands that are found primarily in the skin of the axilla?

Both endocrine and apocrine sweat glands are found in the armpit. Apocrine sweat glands are found almost everywhere, while endocrine glands are found in the genetial region and the auxillary region.


sweat glands, unfortunately i found that out after my integumentary system test in biology.

Where are the sweat glands on the body located?

Well sudoriferous glands are sweat glands. They include the Eccrine sweat glands also known as the merocrine sweat glands, Apocrine sweat glands, Ceruminous glands and mammary glands.

What type of sweat gland is only found in the groin and axillary region?

Only Apocrine sweat glands are found in the axilla and anal region. The glands connect to hair follicles and are the sweat that produces odour) Eccrine sweat glands are found all over the body and open onto the skin. Sebaceous sweat glands are found all over the skin (with the exception of our palms and soles) and are connected to hair follicles.

What organ system does sweat and ceruminous glands belong to?

Sudoriferous glands, or sweat glands, are part of the endocrine system.

Where do sweat glands belong?

Sweat glands belong in your skin. In one square inch of skin their are 500 sweat glands. The main jobs of sweat include reducing your body's temperature through evaporation, providing a barrier from harmful bacteria, and keeping your skin from drying out.

What are the most common kind of sweat glands found in humans?

In humans, apocrine and merocrine sweat glands form the primary method of cooling.

A saltwater solution is secreted by what glands?

sudoiferous glands

What is the Gland found in underarm or groin?

apocrine (sweat) glands

Where are eccrine sweat glands found in a dog?

Footpads only

What part of the body are the most sweat glands found?

in your mom