There are several names for a 26 sided shape, they are: Elongated Square Gyrobicupola, Rhombicuboctahedron, Snub Square Antiprism, the Great Rhombcuboctahedron, and a 26-agon. The suggested name of a 26 sided shape is Icosikaihexagon.
A 26-sided shape is called a rhombicuboctahedron. It is known by other names such as snub square antiprism, elongated square gyrobicupola, and 26-agon.
A 26-gon
Ah, that's a delightful shape known as a "26-gon." Isn't that just a joy to imagine all those sides coming together in perfect harmony? Just remember, every shape is special and unique in its own way, just like you are special and unique too.
There are several names for a 26 sided shape, they are: Elongated Square Gyrobicupola, Rhombicuboctahedron, Snub Square Antiprism, the Great Rhombcuboctahedron, and a 26-agon. The suggested name of a 26 sided shape is Icosikaihexagon.
a quadtriple decadon
A 26-sided shape is called a rhombicuboctahedron. It is known by other names such as snub square antiprism, elongated square gyrobicupola, and 26-agon.
A 26-sided shape is called a rhombicuboctahedron. It is known by other names such as snub square antiprism, elongated square gyrobicupola, and 26-agon.
A 26-gon
Ah, that's a delightful shape known as a "26-gon." Isn't that just a joy to imagine all those sides coming together in perfect harmony? Just remember, every shape is special and unique in its own way, just like you are special and unique too.
There are 24 because 26-2 = 24
4,320° is.