raduis of amper loop is greater than than the radius of its own toriod..than this toriod is called ideal toriod
Most jewelers use a commonly available 10x loop to look closely at a stone. A gemologist or someone cutting a stone would probably use a higher magnification. The best loop is one that gives you the field of vision that you need to inspect a diamond.
amity assignment question
Ring topology
Insert two pins [they become the two focal points] vertically into a piece of paper or two nails into the ground. Fasten two ends of a thread or string, making sure that when you are finished the loop of string will easily loop around the pins. Loop the string around the pins. Now take a pencil or marker and mark the ellipse out on your surface keeping the string taught.
A tree is a specialized case of a graph. A tree is a connected graph with no circuits and no self loops. A graph consists of 3 sets - vertices, edges and a set representing relations between vertices and edges i.e. v = (a, b, c) e = (e1, e2, e3) and x = ((a,b,e1), (b,c,e2), (a,c,e3)) represents a graph where e1 joins a and b and so on. A circuit is alternating sequence of edges and vertices where in edges are not repeated, vertices may be and starting and ending vertices are the same e.g. a e1 b e2 c e3 a means a connected to b, b to c and c to a. This forms a loop. A self loop is a vertex looping on to itself. As a tree does not contain any loops and is still connected, it is also called a minimally connected graph i.e. there is just one path between any 2 vertices.
parallel circuitsThey could be called twin-loop circuits but it isn't a term in common use.
when a graph is given ,select a tree.when the link is replaced a loop is formed.This loop is known as Tieset. Orientation of tieset is given by the orientation of the graph.
Parallel processing in Python can be implemented using the multiprocessing module. By creating multiple processes within a for loop, each process can execute a task concurrently, allowing for parallel processing.
parallel circuitsThey could be called twin-loop circuits but it isn't a term in common use.
Python parallel processing within a for loop can be implemented using the concurrent.futures module. By creating a ThreadPoolExecutor and using the map function, you can execute multiple tasks concurrently within the for loop. This allows for faster execution of the loop iterations by utilizing multiple CPU cores.
Outer loop.
Inner loop.
A = 5do{statement;A = A + 1;} while (A < 10)
The do while loop is also called an exit condition loop in c, c++, and java.
No reason. It is a post-test loop.
To efficiently utilize the run for loop in parallel in Python, you can use the concurrent.futures module to create a ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor. This allows you to run multiple iterations of the loop concurrently, optimizing the execution of your code by utilizing multiple CPU cores.