A metre is 'about' the same length as a yard (only 3 inches longer).
no. a metre is a measurement of a straight length whilst a square metre is a measurement of an area 1m x 1m in size. No, metre is a length measurement unit whereas square meter is an area measurement unit.
Length is to meter as weight is to pounds or kilograms. These are the most common units of measuring different aspects used.
A 1 meter square is an area with a length of 1 meter and a width of 1 meter.
A meter cannot be converted into a square meter. A meter is a unit of length. It can be converted into other units of length, such as kilometers, yards, inches, etc. A square meter is a unit of area. It can be converted into square yards, acres, or another unit of area. == ==
No. A meter is a unit of length, a meter stick is an actual device to measure it.
No. Meter is a metric unit of length whereas a foot ( plural feet ) is an imperial unit of length that was developed by the British. 1 meter is approximately 3.28 feet.
No. Meter is a metric unit of length whereas a foot ( plural feet ) is an imperial unit of length that was developed by the British. 1 meter is approximately 3.28 feet.
the stanzas of a poem are mostly the same length and have the same pattern of rhyme and meter
Yard stick meter stick
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that one meter is same as 100 cm
Probably the same as the unit for distance or length - the meter.
No. A meter can be " a measuring gauge". It can also be the international unit for the length dimension. Equal to 1000 millimeters
The perimeter of 1 sq meter is 4 meters, which is 4 times the length of 1 meter. However, squared lengths (sq meter, sq foot) are not measurements of length, they are measurements of area. The shortest distance to cross 1 sq meter is the same as 1 meter, and the shortest distance to cover 1 sq meter is the length it takes to displace the perimeter.
meter length of notebook paper?
A meter is approximately the same length as a yard (it is slightly longer).