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parallelogram or a rhombus.

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Q: A rug has 4 sides with 2 sets of parallel sides and no right angles Which shape below best describes?
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What has 4 equal sides its opposite sides are parallel and its angles may be right angles?

The shape you are looking for is a quadrilateral. If you have a square, all angles MUST be right angles. A parallelogram can also have 4 equal sides in length and parallel sides, but a parallelogram doesn't have right angles.

How many right angles do a kite have?

A kite has 4 right angles (all angles of the kite are right angles), since the kite is parallel. If the kite was cyclic, then 2 right angles. And if normal kite, then 0 right angles.

What quadrilateral has exactly 2 pairs of parallel sides no right angles and all sides are the same length?

A Rhombus had 2 pairs of parallel sides and has NO right angles. :)

Do parallel lines meet at right angles?

No because they are parallel.......that means that they never meet.

What is a quadrilateral with four right angles and opposite sides are parallel but not all sides are congruent?

This describes a rectangle. It has four sides, four right angles, and its opposite sides are parallel, but the adjacent sides are not equilateral (congruent). If a quadrilateral has four right angles, it will be either a square or a rectangle. With the four right angles, it cannot be anything else. Draw a line segment. Now draw another one at a right angle to the first one. Now draw a third line segment at a right angle from the second one, and make this one the same length as the first one. Then draw the last segment to close the figure. It will have fours sides, and it will have four right angles. It will also have two pairs of parallel sides.

Related questions

Are right angles parallel?

Parallel refers to lines and not angles A right angle is formed by 2 lines that are perpendicular to each other and not parallel If you already have a line and you draw two lines which are at right angles to it, those two lines are parallel.

2 parallel side 2 right angles does that describe a pentegon?

no, pentagons don't have parallel sides or right angles.

What shape has Two sets of parallel sides but no right angles?

A shape with parallel sides but no right angles is called a parallelogram

What is a quadrangle with 2 sides parallel and all angles are right angles?

That's a rectangle (possibly a square). If two sides are parallel, and all angles are right angles, then the other two sides must be parallel also.

Draw a quadrangle that has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no right angles?

Draw a parallelagram this has the opposite sides parallel and no right angles

What has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides?

A rectangle has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides.

How many parallel sides and right angles in trapezoid?

There is one pair of parallel sides. A trapezoid can have at most one right angle. Not all trapezoids have right angles.

What is a quadrilateral with four right angles opposite sides are parallel and all sides are congruent is a?

The question describes a square. So it's a square, bub!

What is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides?

A right trapezoid is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides.

A parallel with four rigth angles?

A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles.

What has 2 parallel sides and all angles are right angles?

a rectangle or a square

What polygon has 2 right angles and 1 set of parallel lines?

Answera polygon that has two right angles and one set of parallel lines is a hexagon