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Q: A transverse wave moves in a medium at an obtuse angle to the wave true or false?
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Triangle can have more than one obtuse angle?

False, because a triangle can have only 1 obtuse angle

Is an angle of 167 degrees is an obtuse angle True or false?

True. An obtuse angle is between 90 and 180 degrees.

True or false does a triangle cannot have more than one obtuse angle?


If a triangle has an obtuse angle the in cannot be an triangle?

False because it can have 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles providing that all 3 angles add up to 180 degrees.

Is it true that an obtuse triangle can have a right angle?

In Euclidean geometry, a triangle must be one of these: acute, obtuse, or right. Maybe there is a non-Euclideangeometry for which some obtuse triangles can contain a right angle, but it doesn't happen in Euclidean geometry.

A wave in which the medium vibrates perpendicular to the motion of the wave is called a wave?

false, they vibrate parallel

In a transverse wave that travels through a mediun the molecules of the medium vibrate?

Up to a crest, then down through a trough, then back. APEX :P

True or false the material through which wave travels is called transverse?

just think for a second... what does a transverse wave look like and what does visible light waves look like? the same? yes. yes it is transverse not longitudinal.

Why is this false two acute angles side by side form one obtuse angle?

The degree of an acute angle is just less then 90 ( because it would be a right angle if it was 90). So that means it could just be a 5 degree acute angle and a 10 degree acute angle so that would only add up to 15 degrees, obviously not making it an obtuse angle.

A triangle can have two obtuse interior angles true or false?


A triangle with one obtuse angle must have also have two acute angles true or false?

True and all 3 angles must add up to 180 degrees.