

A tritone is...

Updated: 4/28/2022
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5y ago

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a musical interval composed of three adjacent whole tones.

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Frank Perez

Lvl 2
4y ago

An interval of thee whole steps

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Xavier Arndt

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thank youu

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Lvl 1
4y ago

An interval of three whole steps


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Q: A tritone is...
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Where in a dominant 7th chord do you find the tritone?

The interval made of of the third and the minor seventh makes a tritone.

How many whole steps make a tritone?


How many half steps are in a tritone?

6 half steps

How many notes is a tritonic scale made up of?

There is no such thing as a ''tritonic scale'', a tritone is an interval of six semitones (half an octave), hence the name ''tritone'' which means ''three tones''.

What interval creates the most harmonic tension in the dominant seventh chord?

The Tritone

What happened in the 12th century that made the tritone possible?

Polyphony began and musical rules changed.

On the piano keyboard which is the tritone key and what is its fractional value?

Any key on the standard keyboard is a tritone up from the key 6 half steps below, or down from the key 6 half steps above it. The basic fractional value is 7/5, but this represents 'just intonation', and in equal temperament the fractional value is not followed exactly.

What happend in the 12th century that made tritone possible?

polyphony began and musical rules changed (apex)

In music what is a tritone used for?

A tritone is a musical interval that spans three whole tones.The tritone divides the octave into two equal parts. It can appear in both diminished and dominant 7th chords.A tritone is an interval made up of three whole tones. As an example, C to D is one tone, D to E another, and E to F sharp a third tone. The interval, therefore, between the C and the F sharp is an augumented fourth (or, for keyboard players it could also be regarded as C - G flat or a diminished fifth). This augmented fourth was regarded in medieval times as a very dissonant interval, so dissonant that it was given the nickname 'the devil's own interval', and was therefore never used in sacred music because of its 'horrible' and 'evil' sound.Nowadays, to our more sophisticated ears, the augmented fourth sounds much more acceptable, if a little hollow. It is now used in all forms of music, both sacred and secular. A particularly stunning use of the C-Fsharp augmented fourth interval can be seen in the English composer Benjamin Britten's masterpiece the 'War Requiem', written in the 1960s for the consecration of the new Coventry Cathedral in the UK that was rebuilt after being destroyed by Nazi bombers in World War II. The first movement 'Requiem Aeternam' is based solely on the augmented fourth or tritone to wonderful effect - both in the choral parts and in the tolling of tubular bells throughout.More details available via the Related interval of three whole steps.

What is 'merman' in Italian?

Tritone is an Italian equivalent of 'merman'. It's a masculine noun whose definite article is 'il' ['the'], and whose indefinite article is 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'tree-TOH-neh'.

What wass the significance of the tritone interval during the middle ages?

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What is A tritone is?

A tritone is a musical interval that spans three whole tones.The tritone divides the octave into two equal parts. It can appear in both diminished and dominant 7th chords.A tritone is an interval made up of three whole tones. As an example, C to D is one tone, D to E another, and E to F sharp a third tone. The interval, therefore, between the C and the F sharp is an augumented fourth (or, for keyboard players it could also be regarded as C - G flat or a diminished fifth). This augmented fourth was regarded in medieval times as a very dissonant interval, so dissonant that it was given the nickname 'the devil's own interval', and was therefore never used in sacred music because of its 'horrible' and 'evil' sound.Nowadays, to our more sophisticated ears, the augmented fourth sounds much more acceptable, if a little hollow. It is now used in all forms of music, both sacred and secular. A particularly stunning use of the C-Fsharp augmented fourth interval can be seen in the English composer Benjamin Britten's masterpiece the 'War Requiem', written in the 1960s for the consecration of the new Coventry Cathedral in the UK that was rebuilt after being destroyed by Nazi bombers in World War II. The first movement 'Requiem Aeternam' is based solely on the augmented fourth or tritone to wonderful effect - both in the choral parts and in the tolling of tubular bells throughout.More details available via the Related interval of three whole steps.