No a circle does not have an apex.
How do you find the apex of a triangle?
An apex is where the sides of a triangle or cone meet at the top to form a point therefore a cylinder does not have an apex.
Yes, a cone has an apex. To be precise, it is the point at the tip of the cone. This is also called the vertex of the cone.
Not normally because an apex angle is found on an isosceles triangle.
Identity (Apex)
Your apex is not an organ, but is part of an organ. There is the apex of the heart and the apex of the lungs (apex pulmonis), both organs.
The uppermost part of the lung is the lung apex. Apical means pertaining to the apex.
Apex (Angle)The apex is the pointed tip of a cone. The apex angle is the angle between the lines that define the apex, as shown to the left.
upbeats (apex)
No a circle does not have an apex.
all of the above -- apex
Tuskegee institute-- apex
Haiti - did on apex
How do you find the apex of a triangle?
Decreased immagration Apex :)
The glacier sat at the apex of the mountain. The shark is an apex predator.