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Not exactly but all quadrilaterals have 4 sides and 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees.

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Q: Are All quadrilaterals are similar to each other?
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Are all squares similar to quadrilaterals?

All squares are quadrilaterals. Not all quadrilaterals are squares.

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Are all quadrilaterals also parrelograms?

Quadrilaterals are called parallelograms ONLY if both pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel to each other.

Which quadrilateral has all the properties of all the other quadrilaterals?

None. The only common property of quadrilaterals is that they are plane figures that are bounded by four straight sides, and that they have four vertices. So far all quadrilaterals are candidates for the answer. But then with each quadrilateral you get some unique property that is not shared by others so NO quadrilateral has all te properties of all the other quadrilaterals.

What quadrilaterals have diagonals that bisect?

A square has two diagonals that bisect each other at 90 degrees

Are all quadrilaterals similar?

No. They are only similar in the non-mathematical sense of having four sides and four vertices.

Which quadrilaterals have diagonals that bisect each other perpendiculary?

Definitely a square I believe a parallelogram would also have this property * * * * * A rhombus: Yes. All other parallelograms: No.

Which of the following quadrilaterals have diagonals that are congruent to each other A parallelogram B rectangle C rhombus D square?

'B' and 'D'. The diagonals are equal to each other in rectangles and squares.

Are all kites quadrilaterals?

All kites are quadrilaterals, but quadrilaterals are not kites.

Is all parrallelograms are quadrilaterals?

All parallelograms are quadrilaterals but all quadrilaterals are not necessarily parallelograms

How are all outer planets similar to each other?

They are all gaseous.

what is the quadrilaterals at rhombus?

Rhombus is a quadrilateral whose all sides are equal and its opposite sides are parallel to each other but their anger are not equal to 90°.