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yes. they add up to 180.

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Q: Are adjacent angles in a parallelogram supplementary?
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Are adjacent angles in a parallelogram are supplementary?

Adjacent angles in a parallelogram are supplementary.

Are opposite angles in a parallelogram supplementary?

No, they are equal. Adjacent angles are supplementary in a prallelogram.

Do opposite angles in a parallelogram add up to 180?

No. Opposite angles are equal. Adjacent angles are supplementary.

What are two property of a parallelogram?

It has two pairs of parallel sides.Its adjacent angles are supplementary.

Are the adjacent angles of a rhombus supplementary?

Yes, adjacent angles are supplementary; however, opposite angles are not.

If a parallelogram has one right angle then all of its angles must be right?

Yes. This is true because opposite angles are congruent and adjacent angles are supplementary.

How Dow you that the opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal?

First of all, you know the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal because of the definition of a parallelogram. Therefore, two adjacent angles in the parallelogram are supplementary, because same-side interior angles in two parallels and a transversal are always supplementary. Therefore, opposite angles in a paralellogram are equal, because two angles both supplementary to a third angle are equal to each other.

What are adjacent supplementary angles?

The adjacent Supplementary angles are the sum of 2 angles that make 180 degrees.

In this parallelogram the measure of b exceeds the measure of a What is the measure of d?

In a parallelogram adjacent angles are supplementary, so angles are 75 degrees (A & C) and 105 degrees (B & D).

Does a rhombus have opposite angles that are supplementary?

No. The adjacent angles are supplementary.

In this parallelogram the measure of b exceeds the measure of a by 30 What is the measure of c?

In a parallelogram adjacent angles are supplementary, so angles are 75 degrees (A & C) and 105 degrees (B & D).

Does a parallelogram have reflex angle?

No. In a parallelogram, adjacent angles are supplementary (they add up to 180°). A reflex angle is between 180° and 360°. So if one of the angles could be greater than 180°, then the adjacent angle would have to be negative, or else it is not a parallelogram. * * * * * All the EXTERNAL angles of a parallelogram are reflex angles!