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They are supplementary

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Q: Are linear pair angles congruent or supplementary?
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Related questions

Are supplementary angles necessarily a linear pair?

No. All linear pair angles are supplementary, but supplementary angles do not have to be a linear pair.

Can a pair of angles be supplementary and congruent?

No, a pair of angles that are supplementary will always have a sum of 180 degrees, while a pair of angles that are congruent will have the same measure. Therefore, it is not possible for a pair of angles to be both supplementary and congruent.

Do all supplementary angles from a linear pair Are all linear pair supplementary?

All supplementary angles do not form a linear pair. The opposite angles of any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle (a cyclic quadrilateral) are supplementary but they are not a linear pair. However, all linear pair are supplementary.

Supplementary angles form a linear pair?

Not necessarily. A linear pair of angles must be supplementary but supplementary angles need not form a linear pair. For example, the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary but they are (by definition) not next to one another.

If two angles are a linear pair of angles then they are what?

These will be supplementary angles.

Are pair of exterior angles supplementary or congruent?


Do two complementary angles always form a linear pair?

No, angles that form a linear pair are supplementary.

What is the linear pair postulate?

1. Where the angles in a linear pair are supplementry, and if parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the interior angles are congruent, and if two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent, then the two lines are parallel. That's what makes up a linear pair postulate anyway. 2. If two adjacent angle's unshared sides form a straight angle, then they are a linear pair. 3.If two angles form a linear pair,then they are supplementary.

If two angles form a linear pair?

If they do , the angles are supplementary !

If two angles are supplementary then are they a linear pair of angles?


What are two angles that form a linear pair?


Do all supplementary angles form a linear pair of angles?
