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If two lines (which extend infinitely in each direction) lie on the same plane but never intersect, then the lines are parallel. If the lines somewhere intersect, they are not. And if they intersect at right angles, they are orthogonal, or perpendicular.

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Q: Are lines e and g perpendicular or parallel?
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Which shape has parallel lines but no perpendicular lines?

A rhombus has parallel lines but no perpendicular lines.

Which letters in the alphabet contain parallel and perpendicular lines?

The letters in the alphabet that contain parallel lines are "H," "I," "K," "N," "X," and "Z." These letters have two or more straight lines that run alongside each other without intersecting. The letter "T" also contains perpendicular lines, as it has one vertical line intersected by a horizontal line at a right angle.

In a plane line b is perpendicular to line f line f is perpendicular to line g and line h is parallel to line f. must be true?

What must be true? In your example, we have 4 intersecting lines. g and b are parallel, and f and h are parallel. g and b are perpendicular to f and h. It might look like tic-tac toe for example

Which letters in the alphabet have 2 parallel lines?

W e

What letters have parallel lines but not intersecting or perpendicular?

In the upper case Roman alphabet, and depending on the font being used: A,B,D,G,K,P,Q,V,W,X and Y. In some case the sloped lines of K may be perpendicular.

Which letters of the alphabet have perpendicular lines?

6 uppercase letters: E F G H L T1 lowercase letter: t

Does the letter G have parallel lines?

No, the letter G does not have any parallel lines, but there are a few ways of looking at it. If you assume the arc of the letter (the part that makes the shape of a C) as one line, then the letter G doesn't have any parallel lines. But... If you assume the arc as to being a lot of individual lines, and NOT an arc, then it is likely that the letter G does have a parallel line or two.

Are parallel lines the same length?

In geometry, lines are of infinite length. So, yes, parallel lines have the same length. They are completely 'G' rated at all times. They never touch.

What are parallels?

Parallel chords are A sequence of chords consisting of intervals that do not change as the chord moves. For example the chord of C (C,E,G) would be parallel to a following chord ofF (F,A,C)

What is the natural minor scale parallel to g major?

The natural minor scale parallel to G major is E natural minor. This means it has the same key signature (one sharp, F#) as G major, but starts and ends on the note E.

What letter from the alphabet is a parallel line segment?

Take your choice from: H, Z. N and M which all have parallel lines.

What are the five lines of a treble clef?

Every Good Boy Does Fine- these are the lines E G B D F All Cows Eat Grass- these are the spaces A C E G