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No there is not there are witch craft users and wiken's and etc.. but no there are not actual witches that exist.

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Q: Are there real life witches in this world?
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Is witch real?

No Witches are quite real in real life and we are everywhere and many!

Do witches exist in our world?

yes witches are very real but the ones that have the green faces and worty noses are not real.

Are there any photos of witches really existing or existed?

The witches you are probably referring to are a fantasy; they appear in fantasy stories, but not in real life.

What do you do if you find yourself surrounded by real life witches?

Grab a stick and stab them :)

Did Salem witches kill people?

There were no real witches in salem.

Is there real witches in Chilliwack?

Yes, there are real witches in Chilliwack (British Columbia).

How did witches come to life?

They are born into the world like everyone else is.

What will you tell your lover if you find out he or she is a witch?

Don't worry about hypothetical problems, that won't ever appear in real life. Witches appear in fantasy stories, but not in real life.

Are Basilisk's real in Harry Potter?

Yes, Basilisk's are real in the world of Harry Potter. As are phoenixes, dragons, house elves, witches and wizards.But in the real world all of these things are imaginary.

How do witches turn to cats?

witches are not real. sorry to burst your bubble :(

How do witches get their sleep?

Witches aren't real so they don't and can't do anything because well... they aren't real.

Why are witches and Satan feared?

Honey witches aren't real Stan is though.