

Can a plane stay still in the air?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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yes it can

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Q: Can a plane stay still in the air?
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How does an air plane stay in the air?

By not having enough lift and air speed under the wings.

How does a plane fly with no engine?

A plane with no engine is a glider. They use the air currents to stay aloft.

How does wind help a paper plane fly?

The wind pushes the plane helping it stay in the air.

Why does a plane stay up in the air?

The top is rounded in a way and the bottom is flat. This makes lift. That is how a plane stays up in the air.

How do you get a one ounce weight to stay in the air for 60 seconds?

Throw it off a plane.

How can an airplane carry so much weight and still fly?

It's all in the physics. A plane has plenty of surface area thanks to its wings, and this creates lift, an upward force that pushes the plane into the air, when pushing against air with the wings at the right angle. Thrust from the jets helps the plane stay in motion in the air. If these two forces are greater than drag (against thrust) or weight (against lift), the plane will remain airborne.

How long was Orville and Wilbur's plane in the air?

The plane was able to stay in air for just a few minutes. Then it lost power and came down. This successful powered flight was done in 1903.

What is the plane's cruising speed in km per hour in air still?

It would depend on the make and model of the plane

Lift must be than gravity in order for a plane to stay in the air?

...the same or greater than...

Does the size of the paper airplane effect how long it will stay in the air?

With more surface area on the wings of the paper airplane there will be more air providing lift for the plane. If the mass of the plane is increased less than the surface area of the plane is increased, then the ratio of the force of gravity to force of lift should decrease, theoretically, allowing the plane to stay in the air longer. There are other significant factors in how long the paper airplane will stay air born. The Launch speed is directly proportional to the amount of air moving over the wings which provides lift. However, the larger the plane and the lighter the material is the more likely the plane will deform at high launch speeds or from launching the plane by holding to far back on the plane during launch, which will make the plain more likely to drop from lack of lift if the plane deforms too much.

Why does increasing the wingspan increases the duration that a paper plane spends in the air?

The larger the wing-span.... the larger the surface area that the air flows over. The more surface area presented to the air-flow... the longer the plane can stay airborne.