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yes it can

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Q: Can a plane stay still in the air?
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How does an air plane stay in the air?

By not having enough lift and air speed under the wings.

How does a plane fly with no engine?

A plane with no engine is a glider. They use the air currents to stay aloft.

Why does a plane stay up in the air?

The top is rounded in a way and the bottom is flat. This makes lift. That is how a plane stays up in the air.

What force keeps the plane up in the air?

The force that keeps a plane in the air is lift, which is generated by the wings as a result of the shape and angle of the wings. This lift force counteracts the plane's weight, allowing it to stay airborne.

How do you get a one ounce weight to stay in the air for 60 seconds?

Throw it off a plane.

What is the force the keeps the plane in the air?

The four forces of flight are : Lift, Thrust, Drag, and Gravity. The answer to your question is Lift.

How can an airplane carry so much weight and still fly?

It's all in the physics. A plane has plenty of surface area thanks to its wings, and this creates lift, an upward force that pushes the plane into the air, when pushing against air with the wings at the right angle. Thrust from the jets helps the plane stay in motion in the air. If these two forces are greater than drag (against thrust) or weight (against lift), the plane will remain airborne.

What keeps planes in the air if gravity pulls us down?

Planes stay in the air due to the principles of aerodynamics. The wings of the plane create lift as they move through the air, counteracting the force of gravity pulling the plane down. This balance allows the plane to stay airborne.

How long was Orville and Wilbur's plane in the air?

The plane was able to stay in air for just a few minutes. Then it lost power and came down. This successful powered flight was done in 1903.

Can birds stay still in the air while flying?

No, birds cannot stay completely still in the air while flying. They need to constantly flap their wings to maintain lift and stay airborne.

What is the plane's cruising speed in km per hour in air still?

It would depend on the make and model of the plane