yes..... if you draw a trapezoid, most of them will have 2 acute angles at the bottom and two obtuse at the top.
well a trapezoid is a square (has four sides) in all different angles: there are 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles Hope it helps
yes its a trapezoid
noIt has 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles though.
In its most general form, a trapezoid (or trapezium, outside of North America) is a four-sided figure with exactly one pair of parallel sides. The two parallel sides do not have to be the same length; therefore a trapezoid will have either:Two acute angles (less than 90º) and two obtuse angles (greater than 90º) ORTwo right angles, one acute angle, and one obtuse angle.Case (2) is a special type of Case (1).
No, a trapezoid does not have four obtuse angles. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides and the other pair of non-parallel sides. The angles of a trapezoid can be a combination of acute, obtuse, and right angles, but it cannot have four obtuse angles.
yes..... if you draw a trapezoid, most of them will have 2 acute angles at the bottom and two obtuse at the top.
well a trapezoid is a square (has four sides) in all different angles: there are 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles Hope it helps
a trapezoid :) * * * * * Not necessarily. A trapezoid can have two right angles, one acute and one obtuse angle. A parallelogram which is not a rectangle must have 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles.
No, a trapezoid cannot have two obtuse angles. By definition, a trapezoid has exactly one pair of parallel sides. If it had two obtuse angles, it would imply that both pairs of opposite angles are obtuse, which is not possible as one pair of opposite angles must be acute in a trapezoid.
It can have 0 or 2 right angles, 1 or 2 acute or obtuse angles.
A trapezoid can have a maximum of 2 obtuse angles. An obtuse angle is one that measures greater than 90 degrees. In a trapezoid, two of the angles are acute angles (less than 90 degrees) and the other two angles can be either acute or obtuse.
yes its a trapezoid
A trapezium has one or two obtuse angles.
yes, an Isosceles Trapezoid