a triangle easy
It is a scalene triangle
A scalene triangle CAN be obtuse. A scalene triangle just has to have different measurement on all three sides.
an obtuse, scalene triangle
obtuse triangle
An isosceles obtuse triangle is a triangle with 1 obtuse angle and only 2 congruent sides.
None normally but if it is in the shape of an isosceles triangle then it will have 2 equal sides.
An obtuse triangle is a type of triangle that has no congruent sides. Basically none of its sides are the same size.
It's impossible for a triangle to have 2 obtuse angles. A scalene triangle in one that has no equal angles or sides. It could have 1 obtuse angle or it could have 0.
An obtuse triangle does not always have three congruent sides. An obtuse triangle can be any form that always has three angles.
The triangle is an isosceles triangle.
Obtuse Triangle
A right or equilateral triangle.
a triangle easy
Obtuse Triangle- An obtuse triangle has one angle that is bigger than 90 degrees (Obtuse angle). The following is an obtuse triangle. ! Hope it helped:')
Classification of triangles according to sides: -Scalene Triangle - a triangle with no 2 congruent sides. -Isosceles Triangle - a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides. -Equilateral Triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent sides. Classification of triangles according to angles: -acute triangle - a triangle with 3 acute angles. -right triangle - a triangle with one right angle. -equiangular triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent angles. -obtuse triangle - a triangle with one obtuse angle.