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Yes hemorrhoids can be on the inside or outside of the anal area.

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Q: Can hemorrhoids be around the outside anal area?
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What could a lump on your sphincter be?

If it's the anal sphincter your talking about, it could be the beginning of hemorrhoids or it could be an abcess at the area of an anal fistula. Better get that checked out by a doctor.

Do external hemorrhoids produce symptoms?

Small external hemorrhoids usually do not produce symptoms. Larger ones, however, can be painful and interfere with cleaning the anal area after a bowel movement.

What are the main symptoms of hemorrhoids?

bleeding from the rectum, especially after a bowel movement, and itching, burning, pain, and general discomfort in the anal area.

What is pruritus ani?

Adults who have hemorrhoids, anal fissure, or persistent diarrhea may notice itching around the anus (called "pruritus ani"). In children, itching in this area is most likely due to worms.

What is the difference between fistula and piles?

A fistula is an abnormal connection of two body aprts. Piles, or hemorrhoids, are varicose veins in the anal area.

Can Hemorrhoids lead to rectal cancer?

Cancer and hemorrhoids are completely two different terms. If proper care and treatment is not taken and hemorrhoids get worse then it can turn into gangrene. Both colorectal and anal cancer have symptoms which may cause them to be mistaken for far more benign diseases, like hemorrhoids. The biggest difference between the symptoms of hemorrhoids and those of colorectal cancer is that rectal bleeding from colorectal cancer will most likely be dark and/or already hardening while hemorrhoidal bleeding is usually bright red and very fresh. If you want to know more about the relation between Cancer and Hemorrhoids, you can read:

What is this pea size lump under your skin around anal area?


Why does diarrhea cause hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive strain on the veins of the anorectal area. Yes, increased straining from diarrhea can cause Hemorrhoids.

What is Rectal examination?

Rectal examination is performed by means of inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and palpating (feeling) for lumps

What are antihemorrhoid drugs?

Antihemorrhoid drugs are medicines that reduce the swelling and relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids (swellings in the area around the anus).

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