yes. is both sides equal the same thing (area) it's possible. example: if side a from rectangle 1 is 8, and the other side is 2, it's area is 16. and if the area of the other rectangle is also 16, the sides can also be 4, and 4.
Yes. Two different size rectangles can have the same area. Take a 6x8 rectangle and a 4x12 rectangle. Both have an area of 48 square units. But wait ! Doesn't it all depend on what you mean by "size" ?? I suspect that a hardwood floor dealer or a carpet salesman would agree that a 4-by-12 room and a 6-by-8 room are both the same 'size'.
Assuming the 12 squares are the same size, three. And three more if you count different orientations (swapping length and breadth) as different rectangles.
Yes, they will be the same size and shape as each other.
No. All rectangles have 4 interior angles each measuring 90 degrees.
Concentric circles have the same center. They are not necessarily the same size. If two concentric circles have the same area, then they are congruent, meaning they coincide when superimposed.
Yes. Two different size rectangles can have the same area. Take a 6x8 rectangle and a 4x12 rectangle. Both have an area of 48 square units. But wait ! Doesn't it all depend on what you mean by "size" ?? I suspect that a hardwood floor dealer or a carpet salesman would agree that a 4-by-12 room and a 6-by-8 room are both the same 'size'.
Assuming the 12 squares are the same size, three. And three more if you count different orientations (swapping length and breadth) as different rectangles.
by measuring both rectangles
Yes, they will be the same size and shape as each other.
they can be any size but have to be the same shape
Yes cutting a rectangle in half (either horizontally or vertically) will yield two smaller rectangles (each of which is the same size and shape as the other).
yes Sometimes those rectangles could be squares, which are by definition a type of rectangle.
No. A rectangle and a parallelograms are desciptions of quadrilateral shapes. There is no indication of the size of either. So some rectangles are smaller than some parallelograms and some parallelograms are smaller than some rectangles.
No. All rectangles are not square because 2 of the sides are longer while the square's side is all the same size.