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Q: Can you virtually punch someones face?
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Where do you punch someone when you punch them square in the face?

Square in the face :[

What do you do if someones mean to you behind your moms back?

punch them in the balls

What is a pooch punch?

when you punch a dog in the face :)

When is pulling someones face off okay?

Pulling someones face off usually is not okay, but if you get very angry, and you hate that person, then it is okay to pull off their face. If you are gay, then pull off someones face automatically.

How do you punch bull in the face?

You punch bull in the face by being on their right side when they charge by you.

Why do you punch your own face?

People may punch their own face in order to implicate other people. Also, people may punch their face as a symptom of insanity, or in a moment of irritation.

Who can you punch in the face?


How do you look up someones stats on runescape?

You cannot it is virtually impossible they can only tell you

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Can you bite someones face off?

yes i can

What does servility mean?

When you FArt in someones face

Can you tell by someones face shape if they are Jewish?
