Socrates was born after Pythagoras died.
Pythagoras died before Euclid was born.
Pythagoras is not a landscape or a place. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded a cult religion called Pythagoreanism in Ancient Greece.
Pythagoras' theorem is applicable to right angle triangles
Archimedes , Pythagoras ,
Pythagoras lived from around 580-500 BC Euclid lived from about 325-265 BC Archimedes lived from about 287-212 BC
He may have, but the famous exclamation was attributed to Archimedes.
Euclid, Plato, Pythagoras, Archimedes, and Eratosthenes all lived and died BCE.
Thales, Democritus, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Archimedes, Euclid, Erastosthenes, Hipparchus,
These are the 6 giants of Geometry Archimedes Plato Euclid Aristotle Pythagoras Thales
at the brothel
Euclid Rene Descartes Pythagoras Blaise Pascal Archimedes Bernhard Riemann
Euclid Pythagoras Eratosthenes Archimedes Apollonius of Perga Democritus Rene Descartes..
Euclid is thought to have lived from about 325 to 265 BC. Pythagoras lived approximately 250 years before Euclid, from about 582 to 500 BC.
Some famous Greek mathematicians include Thales, Pythagoras, Hero, Perseus, Diocles, Archimedes, and a whole load of other ones.