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A plane has two dimensions, length and width.

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Q: Does a plane have 3 dimensions?
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You want examples for dimensions?

the plane, or xy plane, has two dimensions space has 3 dimensions

A plane is a what with how many dimensions?

A plane is a flat surface with only two dimensions. No real planes are found in space, because all matter has 3 dimensions.

What are the dimensions of a plane?

The dimensions of a plane are length and width.

What are the differences between plane shapes and geometric shapes?

Plane shapes are geometric shapes in 2 dimensions, but geometric shapes can also be in 1 dimension or 3 dimensions, or, for mathematicians, in more than 3 dimensions.Plane shapes are geometric shapes in 2 dimensions, but geometric shapes can also be in 1 dimension or 3 dimensions, or, for mathematicians, in more than 3 dimensions.Plane shapes are geometric shapes in 2 dimensions, but geometric shapes can also be in 1 dimension or 3 dimensions, or, for mathematicians, in more than 3 dimensions.Plane shapes are geometric shapes in 2 dimensions, but geometric shapes can also be in 1 dimension or 3 dimensions, or, for mathematicians, in more than 3 dimensions.

How many dimensions does a plane occupy?

Just using the word plane suggests that it is in 3-space (assuming you are talking about a real plane, not a complex or otherwise one; and provided you mean how many REAL dimensions does a plane occupy) and so it would occupy 2 dimensions. In general a hyper-plane in n-dimensional space occupies n-1 dimensions.

Is a cylinder a plane geometric shape?

No, plane geometric figures are ones like triangles and circles that can fit completely in the plane. A cylinder needs 3, not 3 dimensions and will not fit in the plane.

What is plane in geometry?

A plane is a flat surface with no thickness. Our world has three dimensions, but there are only two dimensions on a plane.

What is the vertical axis of the Cartesian plane?

In 2-dimensions, it is the y-axis. In 3-dimensions, though, the x and y axes form the horizontal plane and the z-axis is the vertical axis.

Can 3 separate lines all be perpendicular to each other?

No, not in the same plane. But in 3 dimensions it is possible

What dimensions does a plane use?

Two. Usually called length and breadth.

How many dimensions doe a plane have?

it has 2 Dimensions

What is a plane figure and a solid figure?

A plane figure has 2 dimensions (length & width$ & is represented by a flat surface. It takes 3 noncollinear points to make a plane. A solid figure has 3 dimensions. It not only has length & width but also depth. It takes 4 noncoplaner points to make space