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The usual symbol for a pound Sterling had two cross lines when the amount was handwitten, but the keyboards of computers (and the modern banknotes) only use one cross line.

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Q: Does a pound sign have one or two lines?
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Does the dollar sign have one or two lines through it?

A dollar sign has TWO lines going through it. The one on your keyboard IS NOT the dollar sign, it is another symbol called an "OFFSET" .

What are the different of lines?

My guess as to what you are asking is what are the two different kinds of lines? If so, the two kinds of lines are parallel and perpindicular. Parallel is two lines that have the same slope, or in other words, could go on forever and not touch. An equals sign (=) is an example of this. If you drew lines on the two lines of the equals sign, and they were straight, they would, in theory, never touch. Perpindicular lines, however, is the opposite. It is two lines that form 90 degree angles or right angles. An example of this is a plus sign (+). The two lines that form the plus sign are perpindicular lines. My guess as to what you are asking is what are the two different kinds of lines? If so, the two kinds of lines are parallel and perpindicular. Parallel is two lines that have the same slope, or in other words, could go on forever and not touch. An equals sign (=) is an example of this. If you drew lines on the two lines of the equals sign, and they were straight, they would, in theory, never touch. Perpindicular lines, however, is the opposite. It is two lines that form 90 degree angles or right angles. An example of this is a plus sign (+). The two lines that form the plus sign are perpindicular lines.

How many lines appear in an addition sign or cross?

The addition sign is formed by two intersecting lines, as is the cross. The two lines are perpendicular to each other.

How many lines your in a dollar sign?


What is the symbol of England UK currency?

The pound is represented with £, and pennies are represented with p. * One Pence - 1/100 of a Pound * Two Pence -2/100 of a Pound * Five Pence - 5/100 of a Pound * Ten Pence - 10/100 of a Pound * Twenty Pence - 20/100 of a Pound * Fifty Pence - 50/100 of a Pound (aka 1/2, or Half Pound) * One Pound - 100/100, 1 full Pound * Two Pounds- 200/100, 2 full Pounds

What perpendicullar lines?

If you are asking what are perpindicular lines, they are two lines that cross to form right angles, or 90 degree angles. An example of this is a plus sign (+). The two lines forming the plus sign are perpindicular to each other.

What is the difference between a dollar sign with one line and a dollar sign with two lines?

The difference is only aesthetic. They both mean the same thing.

What is a shape with two lines that are perpendicular?

A plus sign.

What is one quarter of a pound times two?

One quarter of a pound times two is one half pound.

What does a yellow sign with two lines indicate?

A yellow sign with two lines typically indicates a no passing zone on the road. This means that it is unsafe to pass other vehicles in that area.

How can you make two equal squares using six lines?

With two lines, make a big perpendicular plus sign. Then use two lines apiece to square off two of the opposite angles. The two squares will be joined at one corner.

How and where is the dollar sign written?

It is written before numbers and it is a capital "S" with one or two lines from top to bottom of the letter.