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it has 4 vertices, a vertice is a point were two lines intersect

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Q: Does a trapezoid have more than two vertices?
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Related questions

How many more sides does a hexagon have than a trapezoid?

Two more sides

What percent of the trapezoid is a triangle?

50% because a trapezoid is made from 2 triangles

Can a trapezoid have more than four sides?

no a trapezoid can not have more than four sides. In mathematics, a trapezoid is a shape or form that has four sides with two of the sides being parallel sides. It is often used in geometry

Which solid has two or more vertices than faces?

Rectangular Prism

What shape has two acute angles and two obtuse angles?

The shape could be a parallelogram (including a rhombus). Some kites would satisfy these requirements. And it is, of course, possible to have a shape with 5 or more vertices (i.e. more than 4 angles) that contains two acute and two obtuse angles.

How many more vertices does a trianglar prism have than a trianglar pyramid?

Two more.

How many corners in a traezoid?

A trapezoid has 4 sides and 4 vertices. Two of the sides are parallel to each other.

What two plane figures have more than four sides or fewer than four vertices's?

A polygon may have many more than four sides, a triangle has only three vertices.

What does a square and a rhombus not have in common?

The angles at the vertices. A square has vertices of 90 degrees. A rhombus has two vertices greater than 90 degrees and two vertices less than 90 degrees.

Can a quadrilateral have more than 4 vertices?

No, a vertice means a point where two or more lines come to a point. And a quadrilateral has four corners/vertices, it cannot have more than four because it only has four sides.

What if you have two fewer vertices than a rectangle prism?

Then you have 6 vertices. No problem.

Can a trapezoid have more than 4 obtuse angles?

No, for two reasons. First of all, a trapezoid has only 4 angles, so you can't have 5 angles, or it would be a pentagon. Second of all, the maximum number of obtuse angles someone can have in a trapezoid is two.