

Does pi equal 3

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does pi equal 3
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If pi is equal to 6 then what is 3?

Pi is not equal to 6. It is equal to 3.14159...

Why are the first 12 numbers of pi 3. 14159265358?

It is because that is what the ratio pi is equal to.

What measurement is equal to 3 4 turn?

3*pi/2 radians (or 270 degrees)

What is pi to 3 decimal places?

Pi has been updated recently due to historically inaccurate measurements. Pi is equal to approximately 3.28167

Does Pi equal 3.16?

Pi is about 3.14. Sometimes it is handy to use the mixed number 3 and 1/7 instead.

Is sin3A plus sinA equal to 0?

No, for example if A = Pi/3. Then sin3A = sin pi = 0, but sinA = sin Pi/3 = 1/2. So for A = Pi/3, the sum is 1/2, not zero. It can't be proved because the statement is false. For example if A = Pi/3. Then sin3A = sin pi = 0, but sinA = sin Pi/3 = 1/2. So for A = Pi/3, the sum is 1/2, not zero.

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What does the mathematical symbol of Pi equal?

Pi is approximately equal to 3.141592652389793238462.

What of pi did the babyloinians obtain?

They put the value of pi as about 3 but even today we do not know its exact value only that the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter is equal to pi

What other month and day is pi day is celebrated?

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (3/14) as Pi is equal to 3.14(159265....) Pi Approximation Day is celebrated on July 22 (7/22) to celebrate Archimede's popular approximation of pi being equal to 22/7

What is the area of a circle which has a radius equal to 3?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 28.259999999999998

What is 12 divided by pi equal?

12/pi is equal to 12/pi, 12/3.14 (most common rounding of Pi) is about 3.822