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E does have parallel lines. The three line are parallel to each other

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Q: Does the letter e have parallel lines?
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What capital letter has 3 parallel lines?


What capital letters have parallel lines?

Capital letters that have parallel lines include "H," "I," and "E." These letters have horizontal lines that are parallel to each other. The letter "H" has two parallel horizontal lines, the letter "I" has one, and the letter "E" has three parallel lines.

What letters in the alphabet have 2 pairs of parallel lines?

E is the only letter.

Which letters have both parallel and perpendicular lines?

The letter's "H", "I", "E", and "F".

Does the capital letter E have parallel lines?

Yes the 3 bits that poke out the side on the right.

What letter of the alphabet has the most parallel lines?

The answer depends on which language. In the upper case Roman letters, it is E.

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Does the letter M have two sets of parallel lines?

No, there is only 1 set of parallel lines in the letter M.

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How many parallel lines does E have?


Does the letter G have parallel lines?

No, the letter G does not have any parallel lines, but there are a few ways of looking at it. If you assume the arc of the letter (the part that makes the shape of a C) as one line, then the letter G doesn't have any parallel lines. But... If you assume the arc as to being a lot of individual lines, and NOT an arc, then it is likely that the letter G does have a parallel line or two.

Does the letter H have parallel lines?

Oh, dude, the letter H totally has parallel lines! I mean, it's like two vertical lines standing next to each other, chillin' and being all parallel and stuff. So, yeah, if you're ever in a parallel lines contest, just bring the letter H and you're good to go.