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the measure of an angle is the degrees of an angle.

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Q: Explain what the measure of an angle is?
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Explain how to measure a angle?

Use a protractor.

Explain how to use a protractor to measure an angle?

To measure ans angle, put the hole on the the vertex, line up the protractor with the angle and look at the degrees.

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An obtuse angle is DEFINED as an angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.

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It is extremely difficult to explain how since it is, in fact, impossible!

How do you measure a angle?

you can measure a angle with a protracte.

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they both measure the angle in degrees

The measure of an acute angle is half the measure of an obtuse angle.What is the measure of an obtuse angle?

The measure of the obtuse angle would then be double that of the acute angle.

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The measure of the exterior angle.

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No cheating!

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