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Area = π * r2 = π * 142 = 196π in2

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Q: Find the area of a circle with a radius of 14in and leave the answer in terms of pi?
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What is the radius of a circle if the diameter is 14in?

The radius of a circle is half of the diameter, so the radius of a circle with a diameter of 14in is 7in.

What is the circumference of a circle if its diameter is 14in?

A circumference of 43.98 inches.

What is the radius of a 28 inch tire?

28inch is diameter as far as I'm aware. 28/2 is 14in radius.

What is the area of a regular nonagon with a radius of 14in?

Approx 566.9 square inches.

How do you find the area of a circle with a diameter of 14in?

Area = 1/4*Pi*d2: 1/4*3.14*142 = about 153.94in2

How many times will a 14in Radius wheel turn in 199 miles?

There are 5280 feet in a mile. Multiply this by 199. Convert those feet to inches and divide by 14.

What is the area of a circle with a 1ft 2in diameter?

1ft 2in = 14in Area = pi*72 = 153.938 square inches to 3 decimal places

What size softball does 14 and under use?

14in. or 12in. But I'm preety sure its 14in.

What is the surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 5in and a height of 14in?

Total surface area = 2*pi*r2+ 2*pi*r*h = 596.9 square inches, approx.

How many inches are in 14in?


Is 14in bigger than 57 cm?


How do you spell 14in word form?
