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Multiply the diagonals and divide by 2. So : 18 x 7 = 126 126 / 2 = 63 ft

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Q: Find the area of a kite with diagonals of 18ft and 7ft?
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How can you find the area of a kite if you only have the diagonals?


What is the area of a kite?

The area of a quadrilateral kite is 0.5 times the product of its diagonals.

What is area of kite?

product of diagonals/2

How do you describe the area of a kite?

Area of a kite in square units = 0.5 times the product of its diagonals

How do you find the area of a kite and what is the formula?

Multiply the two 'diagonals' and divide by 2. See related link.

What are the lengths of the diagonals of a kite with and area of 400 square meters?

A Hexagonal Kite can be deduced to a rectangle of an area equal to 0.75 Kite diagonals * sqrt (3/4) Kite diagonals = 400 square meters. Therefore, diagonal = sqrt ( 400 / ( 3/4 * sqrt(3/4) ) ) meters =~ 24.816 meters

What is the area of a kite when perimeter is 56 and the diagonal is 12?

Area of a kite in square units = 0.5 times the product of its diagonals

Are the diagonals of a kite axes of symetry?

Yes 1 of the diagonals of a kite is symmetrical

Are the diagonals of a kite equal?

No, the diagonals are not equal.

How are the diagonals of a kite related?

1) Diagonals intersect at right angles. 2) The diagonal bisecting the angle between the two longer sides also bisects the other diagonal. 3 The area of a kite = the product of both diagonals ÷ 2.

How many diagonals does a kite have?

A kite has two diagonals. To see a drawing that makes it perfectly clear, use the link below.A 4 sided quadrilateral kite has 2 diagonals

How is finding the area of a rhombus similar to finding the area of a kite?

Because in both cases their diagonals cross at right angles So their areas are: 0.5*product of diagonals