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The length of segment AB (A(2,6), B(0,3)) and CD (C(-1,0), D(1,3)) is the square-root of 13. The two segments are congruent.

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Q: Find the length of each segment tell whether the segments are congruent?
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Segments of equal length are congruent segments. Shapes can also be congruent if their side lengths and angle measures are equal with each other.

What are two segments that have the same measurement?

If 2 segments have the same length they are known as 'congruent segments' IE: segment AB=segment AC (or AB=AC) then AB @ AC (or AB is congruent to AC)

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A bisector cuts a line SEGMENT into two congruent line segments. A line has indefinite or infinite length.

What are the segments of equal lengths called?

If two segments are of equal length, then we call them congruent segments. Congruency is used when we do not know the specific length or measure, but instead we are dealing with unknown values. In other words, if I know that segment AB=8, I cannot say that AB is congruent to 8 since 8 is a specific value. I could say that segment AB is congruent to another segment, maybe segment BC but it would be improper to say that a segment is congruent to a specific value.

What is are congruent segments?

Line segments are congruent if they have the same length.

Segments that have the same length?

The answer to, "Segments that have the same length" Is Congruent Segments!

What is segments with the same length?

The answer depends on what they are segments of: the answer will be different depending on whether they are line segments or segments of a circle or even different circles.

What is the definition of congruent line segment in geometry?

Line segments are congruent if they have the same length. However, they need not be parallel. They can be at any angle or orientation on the plane

Congruent segments are segments that have the same what?


What is the converse of if two segments have the same length then they are congruent?

If two line segments are congruent then they have the same length.

Definition of congruent line segments?

Line segments are congruent if they have the same length