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midpoint=(X1 + X2, Y1 + Y2)

divide both of those by 2.

X1 + X2 divided by 2 should give you the co ordinate for X.

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Q: Formula to find the midpoint in co-ordinate geometry?
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How do you find the coordinate of the midpoint of a line segment?

The 'x' coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the 'x' coordinates of the segment's ends. The 'y' coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the 'y' coordinates of the segment's ends.

How do you find the value of a mid point?

To find the midpoint between two points:The x-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the x-coordinates of the two points.Similar for the y-coordinate.

What is the midpoint formula used for?

The midpoint formula is used to find the point that is in the middle of a segment.

An application of coordinate geometry?

by using coordinate geometry you can find the position of a place in earth by using the pictures taken by satellites.

How do you find midpoint on a linear graph?

the formula is: to find the x- coordinate: (x2+x1) divided by 2 and the find the y- coordinate: (y2+y1) divided by 2 This is an example: find the midpoint of (6, 1) (-2,5) x1= 6 y1= 1 x2= -2 y2= 5 -2+6=4 4/2= 2 5+1=6 6/2= 3 so, the midpoint is (2,3)

How do you find the missing endpoint of a segment with an endpoint and a midpoint?

The direction of missing endpoint is the same as the direction from the known end point to the midpoint. The distance from the midpoint to the missing endpoint is the same as the distance from the known end point to the midpoint. In coordinate geometry it is simple. If the known end point is (p, q) and the mid point is (r, s) then the missing point is (2r - p, 2s - q).

How do you find the midpoint of a line?

The midpoint of a line can be found easily by using the midpoint formula. Find the length of the line and simply divide it in two.

The midpoint of ab is m (-2, -4) if the coordinates of a are (-3, -5) what are the coordinates of B?

The coordinates of point B can be calculated using the midpoint formula. The midpoint formula is used to find the midpoint of two points, and is calculated by taking the average of the x-coordinates and the average of the y-coordinates. In this case, we are given the midpoint of AB, which is (-2, -4). We also know the coordinates of point A, which are (-3, -5). Using the midpoint formula, we can calculate the x-coordinate of point B by taking the average of the x-coordinates of points A and M. This is (-3 + -2)/2 = -2.5. We can calculate the y-coordinate of point B in a similar way. This is (-5 + -4)/2 = -4.5. Therefore, the coordinates of point B are (-2.5, -4.5).

How do you work out midpoint coordinates?

The 'x' coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the 'x' coordinatesof the end points.The 'y' coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the 'y' coordinatesof the end points.Note:In order to use this handy factoid, you'll need to know how to find the averageof two numbers.

How do you solve the coordinate of A(35)are given.the midpoint is line AB is (-28).find the coordinate of B.?

If you mean end point A is (3, 5) and midpoint of line AB is (-2, 8) then end point B is (-7, 11)

How do you find the formula for midpoint?

formula is (x1+x2)/2 (y1+y2) /2

How could you find the y-coordinate of the midpoint of a vertical line segment with endpoint at (00) and (015)?

If you mean endpoints of (0, 0) and (0, 15) then the midpoint is at (0, 7.5)