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216 is the angel of g

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Q: Given parallelogram DEFG If the measure of angle D 57 find the measure of angle G?
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Given parallelogram DEFG If the measure of angle D equals 57. what other angle has a measure of 57?

All you have to remember for this question is that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal. So if you want to find another angle which is 57, just look at the angle directly opposite.

In parallelogram DEFG the difference between two adjacent angles is 32 degrees Which is the measure of the larger angle?

180 - 32 = 148; 148/2 = 74 which is the smaller angle so the larger is 106

DEFG is a parallelogram. If DH = x, what is DF?


What is the leghth of EF given the figure DEFG is a parallelogram?

If you want to ask questions about the "following", then I suggest that you make sure that there is something that is following.

Given DEFG what is the length of EF?


DEFG is an isosceles trapezoidfind the measure of G?

121 degrees A.S.Apex :P

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defg defg abfgabbfed

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DEFG is a parallelogram.What are the coordinates of point G?

2, -6

The figure shows the preimage and image of three points that have been rotated around point P, plus the preimage of quadrilateral DEFG. Is this statement true or false D'E'F'G' shows the rotation of quadrilateral DEFG?


What is the seating chart for an Airbus 330 200?

1 - 3 Business [AC DG HK] 2,3 A,C,D,G,H,K seats are Standard Business Business [AC DG HK] 10 - 15 Premium Economy [AC DG HK] 20 - 42 Economy [AC DEFG HK] 27 AC DEFG 37 - 41 AC DEG HK 42 DEFG

What is the area of rhombus DEFG if DF equals 8 and EG equals 13?

52 square units