64 square meters is 688.89 square feet.
1/4 acre = about 1,1011.7 meters squared. (1,011.71411 meters squared)
Use Google Converter
156 meters squared = 24,336 meters.
196 meters squared
315 meters squared = 3,391 in feet squared.
24,010,000 square meters.
7200 Meters square
If, by 44 cm squared you mean a square whose sides are 44 cm, then its area is 44 cm*44cm = 0.44m*0.44m = 0.1936 m2. If, however, 44 cm2 is the area of the shape (eg 2 cm*22 cm) then, in terms of sq metres, its area is 44/10000 = 0.0044 m2
64 square meters is 688.89 square feet.
4046.85 square metres.
72 metres squared
Gotta also have the height of the cylinder.
72 metres squared
The answer depends on what shape you are measuring. If it is a square then it has a length and width approximately 18.35756 meters long.
compared to 7 meters squared, yes... but not compared to a billion meters squared