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The two angles of a linear pair must add to 180 degrees. So if one is less than 90 degrees (acute) the other must be more than 90 degrees (obtuse).

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Q: How can a linear pair have one acute angle and one obtuse angle?
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Why is two obtuse angles greater than a straight angle and a acute angle?

Either pair can be greater..

Does a pair of supplementary angles include a obtuse angle and an acute angle?

Yes, unless they are both right angles.

Can two acute adjacent angles form a linear pair?

No, because they wouldn't add up to 180 degrees. An acute and obtuse COULD.

How do two intesecting line but not perpendicular look?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

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Is a trapezoid acute or obtuse?

A trapezoid has a pair of equal valued obtuse and a pair of equal valued acute angles.

If the angle forming a linear pair in the ratio for racing Then find the measure of obtuse angle?

If two angles form a linear pair, you know their measures add up to 180 degrees (since going around a circle halfway is 180 degrees). So the measure of the obtuse angle is 180 degrees minus the other angle in the pair.

Does a pair of supplementary angles always sometimes or never include an obtuse angle and an acute angle?

Sometimes. Actually, it is nearly always, but not quite.

Does one of the angles in a linear pair of angles have to be obtuse?

True , but remember there cannot be two obtuse. Must be one acute & one obtuse. * * * * * NOT always true. Both may be right angles.

What does a two non-perpendicular bisecting line segments look like?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.