A triangle, with three more triangles attached t each of its sides.
A tetrahedron (triangular pyramid).
base is triangular
A tetrahedron has 4 faces.
Yes, a tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid.
It is a 3-D shape because a tetrahedron can be folded into a net!
The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron in minerals like quartz has a net -4 charge because each oxygen ion contributes 2 negative charges, while silicon has a 4+ charge. This results in a net charge of -4 for the tetrahedron as a whole.
A tetrahedron (triangular pyramid).
you draw a square with equilateral triangles on each side.
Use the help of the net... There are very handy tutorials on the net. I recommend dragoart.com
It depends on the figure. For example, you cannot draw a net for a sphere, an ellisoid or a torus.
A tetrahedron (a triangular pyramid) has these properties. But I'm not sure what you mean by show the net.
0, a triangular pryamid (or tetrahedron) is made up of four triangular faces.
with a pencil
I am not a tetrahedron!
base is triangular