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Pi is the ratio of C/2r where C is the circumference and r is the radius. No matter what circle you look at, this ratio will always remain the same number, which is pi. Now if one was to look at the circle of radius 1, you would only need to calculate the length of the circumference and divide it by two. Since you can always measure in smaller and smaller increments, you can always come up with more and more numbers to add to the length of the circumference and thus come up with more and more digits of pi.

To find the actual values of the digits of pi, search for "digits of pi" on any internet search site.

Actually, there are a number of infinite series that add to pi or to a function of pi. These are used to calculate pi to very high degrees of accuracy.

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You can find the first million at:

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Answer: No. Pi is irrational; we could never find the last digit, because the digits go on forever. Also, being irrational means that the digits don't repeat periodically.

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There are several infinite series. To find PI to x digits, evaluate each term to x+2 digits until the value is 0. Then round to x digits.

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You can find lots of digits of pi online, in different places. But really, there is no practical use for any of those; having the value displayed on your scientific calculator - with 10 or 12 significant digits - or on the computer with 15 significant digits is more than enough for any calculation where you need pi.

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To 30 digits, pi equals 3.141592653589793238462643383279.

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3.14159265358979323846 are the first 20 digits of pi.

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The first eleven digits of pi are:3.141592653

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They are listed on the Related Link.